COVID-19 Infection Control
Consulting Services for Reopening the Country
Non Negotiable Protocal
Hand Sanitization
Mandatory hand sanitization protocol needs to be strictly enforced for all employees and visitors both entering and exiting the premises. Building with lunchrooms or common dining areas should further mandate hand sanitization when entering and exiting eating areas.
Surface Disinfectant
Common touch areas should be routinely cleaned (every hour or more) with an effective disinfectant. Consider areas such as elevator buttons, door handles, desk surfaces, keyboards, meeting rooms, shared facilities, etc.
Proper Use of PPE
PPE or personal protection equipment is highly effective when used correctly. Provide proper PPE training to all employees to enforce best practice and mitigate cross contamination. Strongly discourage reusable PPE or homemade alternatives as this increases risk of contamination in your workplace.
"If you're reopening a business ask for help, welcome them [your employees] back, but also educate them. Bring some calm and common sense to returning to work"
A Letter From Glenn
Infectious Control is a lifestyle. Do your do diligence. Taking back your power is a choice. Unfortunately so many of us have given up our power during this Covid-19 pandemic.
Be a part of the solution, not the problem during this unprecedented period.
Be a leader, not a follower. Be proactive rather than reactive!
I am an award winning published author and an Inspirational Speaker, and I also have over 42 years experience in Infectious Control. I can give you the tools you need to take back your power.
Learn more today. In health and empowerment,
Glenn Edwards